SEO Marketing

SEO Marketing, 1 – On-page Optimization This phase includes all efforts that are performed within the boundaries of your website. On-Page Optimization is the first and most important step towards a successful SEO campaign. SEO is a time taking process but its benefits are long-lasting. Once you are done with on-page, a comprehensive off-page SEO campaign can achieve your desired results in terms of better placement over and SERPs which, in the end, will result in increased traffic to the site.

Website SEO Health Report A full analysis of your website’s SEO status (health) will be initially carried out. This detailed report outlines all areas of SEO improvement so that your website can be highly optimized and search friendly. Optimizing Pages for Keywords We will optimize your web pages for the selected keywords.

We usually follow the rule of 2- 3 keyword phrases per page to ensure that the content is structured in a user-friendly manner. Meta Tag Composition We will create or adjust the Meta tags for each of the optimized pages. Add New Content Pages We may provide your website with quality fresh content, optimized for search engine inclusion. These may be new ‘landing pages’, related articles, and more. And many more On-Page Optimization Factors Dubizzco will focus on updating the most critical website on-page SEO factors.

A very interesting infographic showing 200 SEO ranking factors which are determined by Google’s search algorithm: 2 – Off-page Optimization This phase includes all efforts that are performed outside the boundaries of your website. Keyword Optimization Dubizco has provided you with a list of suggested keywords. We will focus on bringing a shortlist of these keywords in Top 10 ranking position for and for 80% of the shortlisted keywords in approximately 6 to 9 months. Keyword Analysis A full SEO analysis and report will be generated during the initial setup phase in Month 1.

The following list outlines your industry’s leading keywords. Quality Link Building Getting incoming links from relevant websites is the true challenge of any SEO campaign and the golden key to success. The first step is to research your top competitors in order to learn where they get their links from. Publish Your Articles and Press Releases If you have written articles or press releases we will publish them to hundreds of article directories and news hubs across the Internet.

This will help drive targeted traffic to your website and will boost the number of incoming links. Web Directory Submission Submitting your website to the right directories can significantly boost your website’s ranking. Prior to submission, we will analyze your site to make sure it is in top shape. Free directory submission includes DMOZ and quality selected directories that are relevant to your website. Paid Web directories are usually of higher quality. We will include top quality Web directories that offer great return for the money.

Upon completion, we will provide a detailed report of the Web directories we have submitted your website to, including free and paid submissions. Ranking Check We will monitor your ranking with the selected search engines on a bi-weekly basis and provide monthly reports. You will be able to review your ranking history analysis, see how your website stacks against competition and measure the effectiveness of our efforts.

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